English, Abstract (summary), with keywords

Bogusław Kałuski / Boguslaw Kaluski

Original title:
Filozofowanie z dziećmi.
Pięć metod Martensa stymulacji rozwoju umysłowego i społecznego w epoce multikulturowej

ISBN 978-83-943183-7-6
Wydawnictwo Światopogląd, Poznań 2018
[publisher:] Wydawnictwo Swiatopoglad, Poznan 2018

Translation of the title (only informative):
Philosophy with children.
Five methods of Martens' stimulation of mental and social development in a multicultural era.

Ekkehard Martens - German philosopher who specialises in teaching philosophy, especially philosophy for children (PMK). Martens has been publishing on the subject since 1979, while M. Lipman has begun in the United States in the early 70s. This paper describes the views of Martens, their background and roots. The philosophical roots - Socrates and Kant, as well as many others. The historic background - history of childhood seen from the perspective of researchers such as Philippe Aries and Elisabeth Badinter, World War II and the emigration of the German philosophers. The cultural background - globalism, multiculturalism. Martens also discusses the early reformers of public education such as Herman Nohl, Arthur Liebert, Leonard Nelson, Walter Benjamin. Other  contemporary philosophers active in this field are Barbara Brüning, Hermann Giesecke, Matthew Lipman (USA), Gareth B. Matthews (USA), Michael Pritchard (USA), Herbert Schnädelbach, Volker Steenblock, Eva Zoller Morf (CH).

The paper contains examples of spontaneous children’s philosophical questions and philosophical questions that have been prepared for the children. Discussed is Martens’ method of organised philosophising for children - the so-called five-fingers method. He uses a metaphor of a hand with five fingers: phenomenology, hermeneutics, analysis (analytical philosophy), dialectic and speculation. The paper discusses many basic concepts such as sense of wonder, natural philosophy and philosophy as a basic cultural technique (like reading, writing and counting), and at what age children start to philosophise, especially in an organised manner. It also lists and discusses bibliography of philosophy for children and gives pointers on how to broaden and deepen the subject.

The aim of this study is to outline the scope of the system and understanding of the language and the terms used by Martens (without understanding essential  criticism is not possible).
Martens attempts to formulate a philosophical program that would be acceptable in Germany, with its compulsory education for all children and where the worldview is affected by multi-denomination and multiculturalism. This essentially is a rationalistic program. The main areas of application are philosophy, ethics and religion classes. Its elements can be used for extra-curricular activities or other classes, such as foreign languages, literature, history and science.

Ekkehard Martens, teaching philosophy, philosophy for children, PfC, examples of spontaneous children’s philosophical questions, philosophical questions that have been prepared for the children, five-fingers method, phenomenology, hermeneutics, analysis, analytical philosophy, dialectic, speculation, wonder, natural philosophy, philosophy as a basic cultural technique, at what age children start to philosophise, bibliography of philosophy for children, multi-denomination, multiculturalism, rationalistic program, philosophy, ethics, religion classes

German, Abstract (summary), with keywords / Schlüsselworte:

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